Core Values

PME's core values are integral and built into what we do every day for our client...they drive how we think, how we function as a team, and how we interface with you.
Our overall objective is to consistently provide you a greater value than the amount you are investing to procure our services. In other words, the cost-benefit analysis for PME will yield a positive value for your organization. In mathematical terms, the expression looks like this:
Benefits of PME > Investment in PME
This overall objective stems from other fundamentals that we practice persistently:
We believe frequent and timely communication is the key to success in all projects, as well as adhering to an aggressive delivery schedule.
High Quality
We are thorough in what we study, rigorous in our attention to detail, comprehensive in the products we deliver, and our work is targeted to our audience.
As we help our clients do more with less, we focus on efficiency within our teams – this way, we can deliver you the greatest value.
We are adamant about not allowing “the way it’s always been done in the past” to deter us from thinking out of the box today. We are resourceful and innovative.
Our reputation, as a firm and as individuals, is held in highest regard –– we achieve this by always being open, honest, reliable and professional.
We won’t ever come into a new organization and suggest that we are your “trusted advisor” - we know that we need to earn that title from you. We are confident this will happen, as we continuously live by our core values.