Contracting with Us
PME provides consulting and training services to Federal, State, and Local levels of Government, higher education, non-profit organizations, and large commercial entities.
Public organizations may use an existing contract vehicle, as explained below.
Federal Government Agencies
Our management consulting, training services and acquisition services are available through the U.S. General Services Administration’s Management, Organizational, and Business Improvement Services (MOBIS) contract (GSA Schedule 874). PME has been awarded a Management, Organization and Business Improvement Services (MOBIS) Schedule 874 Contract #GS-10F-004BA.
By using our MOBIS contract, Federal agencies save time, effort, and money, to access consulting and training services. Services offered include comprehensive integrated consulting services, training services and acquisition support. The GSA award process included a thorough vetting of work we have completed as reviewed by our clients. We are delighted to offer our government clients market-driven, competitive rates for our services.
Services offered via MOBIS- Integrated Consulting Services
- Management or strategy consulting, including research, evaluations, studies, analyses, scenarios/simulations, reports, business policy and regulation development assistance, strategy formulation, and expert witness services
- Facilitation and related decision support services
- Survey services, using a variety of methodologies, including survey planning, design, and development; survey administration; data validation and analysis; reporting, and stakeholder briefings
- Advisory and assistance services
- Acquisition support
Services offered via MOBIS-Training Services
- Instructor Led Training
- Web Based Training
- Education Courses
- Course Development
State, County, and City Governments and publicly-funded institutions
State, County, and City governments and other public institutions may “piggyback” against our existing contract, and avoid a lengthy bidding process.
PME currently has a multi-year contract with the Howard County Government in Maryland entitled, “Performance Analysis, Engineering and Improvement” (Contract #4400001402), under which we have been working with a variety of different functions and departments (e.g., facility maintenance, utilities, information technology, procurement, licensing and permits, financial management, HR, etc.) on improving efficiency, performance, service delivery and cost management. This contract covers a broad array of services:
Services offered in this contract
- Strategic planning
- Business case analysis
- Performance metrics development and measurement
- Process reengineering
- Workforce analysis
- Organizational design
- Policy and procedure development
- Acquisition, purchasing, outsourcing analysis and support
- ERP integration assessment
- Project management
- Implementation support
State, county, city governments and other public institutions may “piggyback” against this contract, and avoid a lengthy bidding process, as the contract was previously awarded to PME through a competitively bid process. You are encouraged to contact either the Howard County Office of Purchasing or PME to learn more about this option. Contact information is as follows:
Howard County Office of Purchasing Contact Information:
- Main Office Telephone: (410) 313-6370
- Refer to Contract #4400001402
PME Contracting Contact Information:
- Primary Contact Name: Marc Berson
- Telephone: (202) 236-1182
- Email: solutions@practical-me.com → Send email