Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning forces an organization’s leadership to take a very hard look at what they are doing and how it relates to what the intended mission of the organization is or should be.
This is a healthy exercise as it often challenges leaders to rethink who their stakeholders and customers are and what they should expect from the organization. The exercise resets the organization’s “reason for being” and often helps an organization realize that it is engaged in activities which it should not be doing.
Key Questions
What do we do?
For whom do we do it?
How do we excel?
A proper outcome should be a strategic plan that is in direct alignment with a clear and concise mission and vision that resonates with key stakeholders, and thus offers greater focus for the organizations' members. PME uses facilitation, brainstorming and interviewing techniques to help organizations successfully accomplish strategic planning.
We provide the expertise to convert broad over-arching principles into a tactical set of plans that can be executed and measured at every level of the organization. Our approach creates a sense of alignment, shared goals and accountability.
Perspectives to be Weighed
- Supplier markets
- Labor markets
- Economic constraints/opportunities
- Regulatory/political climate