Organizational / Functional Assessments
Organizational / Functional Assessments yield a comprehensive analysis of the “as-is” state of an organization or function. The purpose is to establish a baseline from which subsequent analyses can be performed. Some common questions addressed during an organizational or functional assessment include:
Common Assessment Questions
- What objectives and/or policies drive the work performed?
- What is the appropriate scope of work that is aligned with the mission?
- Are there work activities that do not align with the mission?
- How is work generated?
- What are the work outputs?
- What are some challenges that exist?
- Are there existing high level performance standards?
PME personnel take a top-down approach as it conducts such an assessment, reviewing the organizational structure, functional statements, data sources, etc. We frequently develop a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to better illustrate the required activities. PME may also review workload factors that explain the level of effort in the organization or function.